Mental Prep: Colombia
I think a key part to truly experiencing anywhere you travel is to consume material related to your destination. Sometimes I read books by authors from that region, skim blogs, comb through guidebooks, watch documentaries, follow local social media, or listen to podcasts.
Plus, studies have shown that most of the enjoyment in travel and vacation is anticipation. And media is a great way to get that vacation-lust a'brewing.
Below is some of the content I've used to procrastinate over the past semester / 6 months to prepare for my upcoming trip to Colombia.
Podcast, How I Built This, "Zumba: Beto Perez & Alberto Perlman"
Television, Netflix, "Narcos"
*Edit: I found this article to be really helpful in adding context / alternatives to the "free-license" nature of Netflix's Narcos.
Novel, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
TED Talk, "How Christmas Lights Helped Guerrillas Put Down Their Guns" by Jose Miguel Sokoloff
Music, Spotify, "US Latin Top 50"
Happy consuming!